On our first day of hiking we made it to the first peak on the trail and saw some amazing views. I couldn’t help but sing “The hills are alive with sound of music!” They were in fact alive with the sound of cowbells ringing from every hill, where the cows and sheep were blissfully grazing in the rolling green grass. The distant snowy mountains in the backdrop of every view was almost impossible to believe.

On the second day, we made it to an even steeper peak, and it was quite scary! We had to climb steep stairs with a loose rope railing to get to the top, and I almost wanted to turn back. It seemed impossible, but when we finally made it to the top I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like looking into the heavens!

We took a long rest on the way down to the lake, and admired the view while soaking in the accomplishment of our mountainous feat. I’ve never been so exhausted in my life, and never so proud of my ability to power through when faced with an intimidating challenge.

Don’t be afraid to – “Climb every mountain”!
What I’m Wearing: See Packing Post
These views are incredible! It’s amazing that you were able to get so high up!
Your photos are amazing! I can’t believe you got all the way there! This makes for a lot of logistics and carry on… I also love your hiking gear!