
Out to Lunch

Bag Full-shot Close-up Full-shot2 Clarisse and Meryl

Today I went on a shopping/lunch trip to none other than our favorite American Girl store! I had a blast browsing and got to pick up a few things I’ve been dying to get, and then had a delicious lunch with my new friend Meryl! Meryl decided to get her ears pierced, but I turned down the chance once again (and am not regretting it yet, so that’s good). I think our server thought I was a little crazy for doing outfit pictures in the bistro during lunch, but it was a quiet afternoon, so we weren’t disturbing anyone, and a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!

What I’m Wearing:
Sweater and Blouse: Clarisse’s Closet on Etsy
Jeans: Closet4Chloe on Etsy 
Shoes: AG Sweet Spring 
Bag: Sophia’s Brand 

What Meryl (MyAG #30) is Wearing:
Spring 2014 Store Purchase-with-purchase 

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