
Oh Happy Day

Close-up1 Full-shot Close-up2 Boots Hat Sunglasses

It’s spring ya’ll. The grass may not be bright green, and my knees may have been shivering a bit during these photos, but the calendar says it’s spring, so by golly I say it’s time for spring clothes! I also have to share that I was visited by two geese during this photo-shoot (I like to think of them as couple, but maybe I’m just a romantic). They didn’t seem to mind me sharing the grass with them, and there was something soothing about a couple of animals just chillin’ in my yard. ‘Tis a happy day indeed.

What I’m wearing:
Dress: Just18inches on ETSY
Cardigan: Clarisse’s Closet on ETSY
Hat: Clarisse Original
Boots: AG Pretty and Plaid 
Sunglasses: AG Store Beach Set 

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