Sometimes when I travel I like to research the less “touristy” local favorite spots, and try to avoid being a blatant tourist. Other times, I just embrace the fun of wandering around, camera in hand, oo-ing and ah-ing at the sights. I only had a …

Sometimes when I travel I like to research the less “touristy” local favorite spots, and try to avoid being a blatant tourist. Other times, I just embrace the fun of wandering around, camera in hand, oo-ing and ah-ing at the sights. I only had a …
The weather is starting to warm up in New England! Today Pippa and I put together some (accidentally somewhat coordinating) dress-jacket-boot outfits that got us in the mood for spring with enough layers so we wouldn’t be shivering in the low-50’s temperature. We took the …
This week’s blizzard was at first the cause of disappointment because I had to cancel some exciting plans that could not be rescheduled. As I sat home sulking I thought… how can I make the most of this snow day? Frolicking around and soaking up …
After one more (and hopefully last) snowstorm last weekend, it’s finally starting to feel like Spring! It’s still a little nippy at times, so a hat and little mitts aren’t uncalled for, but we’re putting the winter coats away. I decided to play stylist today …
Macie was trying out one of our most popular custom hat choices (grey bowler with blush trim) as well as this adorable new dress I picked up from Closet4Chloe, and I thought she looked so stylish I had to give her her own post. Macie …
Today’s look was built around the quintessential fall accessories- a denim jacket, cloche hat, something flannel, and a pair of boots. While a trip to the apple orchard wasn’t in the plans for the day, this is exactly the kind of outfit I’d wear to …
So long September, tomorrow’s October! If you haven’t already unpacked your flannels, sweaters, and boots, now is the time. Well, at least for us here in the Northern U.S. and everywhere else that is blessed with fabulous cool weather and the smell of autumn …
It occurred to me today that I don’t often wear my hair completely down without even a bobby pin or a hat to top it off, so I decided to go au naturel with the hair today. It was a little challenging with the strong …
I couldn’t wait to put together an outfit my new birthday purse, and this hand-me-down dress seemed like the perfect match! My friend @acuppateawithag on Instagram was recently clearing out her closet (like we all need to do once in a while) and I got …
Pippa and I spent the weekend visiting some friends, and decided to take some photos there since the weather was so glorious! Sunshine and mid-70’s, what more can you ask for on a June day? We finally broke out our summer wardrobe and put …